Before assessing the status of the Iran nuclear negotiations, Jon Greenwald, International Crisis Group vice president and SPP visiting professor, reviewed some of the history and psychology that he said were "essential" to understanding the issue because "the past is a heavy burden on both sides."
“The passion is still there even a year later,” Tamilla Dauletbayeva (MPA ’15) said about her team’s Passion Project, the two-year capstone project for MPA students at the School of Public Policy (SPP) at CEU.
In a public lecture at the Center for Conflict, Negotiation and Recovery on November 20, Professor To-hai Liou from National Chengchi University outlined how the Senkaku-Diaoyutai Islands dispute between Japan and China has destabilized the geopolitical order in Northeast Asia. "This dispute has had political, economic, and strategic effects on the region," Liou emphasized.
Sustained, participatory dialogue is a powerful tool for addressing situations at risk including threats of mass atrocities and transforming conflict situations into peaceful processes.
Recent outbursts of violence in South Sudan and CAR have come as a surprise to the international community highlighting its weakness in responding to international crises.
Female Engagement Teams in Afghanistan were easily manipulated by the locals and proved to be largely ineffective in their intended counter-insurgency role.
Buddhist groups have been waging campaigns of hate speech and violence in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. What is causing this upsurge in anti-Muslim violence in these countries?