Cultural Heritage Students Take on the Challenge of Rebuilding the Aleppo Souk

March 21, 2016

One of the great things about Cultural Heritage Studies," explains first-year student Camilo Montoya, "is that its scope is so large you get to look at everything." That is exactly what Montoya is doing as he explores how best to rebuild the Aleppo Souk, Al-Madina. Although his background is in art history, Montoya has always been interested in contemporary issues. He says that one of the reasons he decided to enroll in the Aleppo Project course was that it gave him a chance to work on a current issue. "Because of my art history background, I have often focused on the past in my work. I enjoy that, but I'm finding this opportunity really wonderful too." Sanijela Stulic, who is a second-year Cultural Heritage student, says she too is enjoying the chance to contribute to something that is "happening right now." 

Read the full story on the CEU School for Public Policy website here.
